Senate Bill S-330/Assembly Bill A-3804 (Energy Tax Receipts Restoration)
            Senate Bill S-2103/Assembly Bill A-1294 (Pre-empts Municipal Zoning)

Dear Mayor,

The NJ Conference of Mayors wishes to communicate to you about two significant state bills, pending before the New Jersey Legislature, to seek your action.

The first is S-330/A-3804, SUPPORTED by the NJCM, which increases by $330 million the distribution to municipalities from the Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund over two years.  It is notable that the legislation does prohibit anticipation of these additional revenues in the municipal budget, requiring that the amount be deducted by the DCA from the municipal property tax levy.  As Mayors, we know that these funds belonging to our municipal governments have been improperly skimmed for years by state government to plug its budget.  My recent Op-Ed on this subject is linked here and attached, as well as our joint NJCM/NJLM letter (attached).

While we are seeking some technical amendments, we would request that your town adopt and send a Resolution supporting S-330/A-3804 prepared by the NJLM [sample Resolution attached here], and directly contact your legislative representatives.  S-330 unanimously passed the Senate, while A-3804 currently awaits hearing before the Assembly State and Local Government Committee.

The second is S-2103/A-1294, OPPOSED by the NJCM, which authorizes the conversion of certain office parks and retail centers to mixed-use developments by preempting municipal zoning regulations.  The legislation undercuts local zoning and master plan public processes, and is unnecessary as towns wishing to craft these developments currently have such authority.  The NJCM opposition letter to the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee is attached for your use and information.

Contact directly your legislative representatives to express your opposition to

S-2103/A-1294.  This legislation has been released from the Assembly Committee and the Senate Committee, and could be posted for voted by the full membership of each chamber.

We need you to be engaged, to take action in order for New Jersey mayors to have our voices heard!  Please note that the NJCM has a Legislative Committee which meets regularly currently by zoom (next meeting is June 9 at 8:30 am);  if you are interested in becoming a member please let us know at njcmpresident@gmail.com.




Mayor Janice S. Mironov

President, NJ Conference of Mayors