About NJCM Advertising

About NJCM Advertising

Throughout the year, the New Jersey Conference of Mayors keeps our Member Mayors informed through various media channels. Our website and broadcast emails keep our members informed in real time updates as they happen.

It does not stop there. The Biannual NJCM Conference Magazine and Conference Courier Monthly are our two main print media that educate Mayors, business executives, and our state elected officials about the important issues of the day facing our State of New Jersey.

Mayors are the decision makers at the local level. They set agendas, they set the meetings, and they reach out to vendors and charter a course for success in their communities. Our NJCM publications are effective tools in getting your message directly to these decision makers of the Garden State.

NJCM Conference Magazine and Conference Courier reaches our active NJCM Member Mayors, municipal officials, fortune 500 business executives, and large to medium size corporations in the Tri-State area. They also reach our state leaders from the Legislators, Governors Cabinet and staff all the way to Governor himself. The NJCM Publications are a reliable and respected source of information with a proven track record of readership and retention. In these challenging economic times, Mayors and municipal officials look to the NJCM and our publications for answers to questions about issues concerning their communities. There has never been a better time to advertise!